pale beneath the blue

Road stories and more from singer/songwriter, pale beneath the blue.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Good Day

There is a robin outside on my patio who keeps flying into the glass door...yesterday, I forgot my crutch when I went to Kroger.
I lived.
It was a good day.

What did you do?

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Featured at Chicks Rock

Thanks to Jem at Chicks Rock Fest for the Interview--oh, and also for hooking us up with the "Every Woman" show at WAIF! Debra rocks!

New online feature at Musical Discoveries

We are honored to be a part of this awesome website dedicated to the feminine side of music:

Life is an ever-changing blur

Wow, my last post was pictures of Texas. It seems as if that was forever ago, when really it was 8 days ago. Life is moving faster than ever. I've actually been spending some time writing--maybe that's where I'm getting lost at. I've got about 5 new tunes that I'm working on currently.

We also had a really cool show last Friday night at Southgate House. Thanks to Beau Alquizola for coming out and supporting, as well as my new friend Shinzo that I met on the diving trip to Florida. A huge thank you and "I owe you one" to Eric Diedrichs of Cari Clara. He got stuck carrying all my equipment out to the van. Hope that you all had a good time--what a great night.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Apparently, Propane is a big deal in TX... Posted by Hello

Not everyone in TX is pleased about the decisions of their former governor... Posted by Hello

The Small Stars. This will be the next big thing... Posted by Hello

Trice and I at Vanilla Girl... Posted by Hello

Our bud's Sean and Bill posing with Jen at Oslo on 6th. Posted by Hello

Thank goodness for honesty...the other side of the sign says "need a beer." Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 20, 2005

SXSW Saturday

Jenny showed some guy her boobs so we could crash the trade show (okay, not really, but that's her story).
Played an acoustic set with Patrice and her fabulous 3-stringed cello.
Ate at IHOP. why? yeah, i wish i knew.

Finally, a free night. Should we go see David Garza? Aimee Mann or Swearing at Motorists? Well, the Small Stars were on our radar so we headed to Cedar Street Courtyard. The Small Stars were the most entertaining thing I've seen in a while. Jim Schultz from met us there and said it was one of the coolest things he'd seen all week.

Jenny took off but Patrice and I stuck around with our new friend Alex, to witness fellow-Cincinnatians, Blessid Union of Souls. I really didn't expect much since they haven't had a hit in 5 years, (remember "Hey Leonardo"? hint: "she likes me for me...") but I must admit, they put on a killer show. It was the kind of show that most performers dream of--the crowd was singing along, screaming, and couldn't get enough of the guys in "girl pants." I truly wish them the best with their new record and hope that they hit the top of the charts once again.

Jim came back to see the guy closing out the evening...Vanilla Ice. Yes, really. I had heard he was playing metal so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and I didn't really want to pay $10 to get into another venue. I was excited when I saw the DJ equipment heading for the stage. Unfortunately, this was a 14-car pile-up involving a semi, just waiting to happen. He spent a fortune on bottled water only to throw it on unsuspecting audience members. I think things started to really go bad when someone from the audience threw an empty bottle and hit him in the middle of a song. While everyone laughed, it was just sad. My new friend Daniel couldn't take it anymore and left. Patrice and Alex moved to the back. He finally got himself together enough to do "Ice, Ice Baby." That was fun, but I couldn't really see much at the end because he invited a ton of girls onto the stage to dance. There was a film crew filming all of this--his site says that VH1 is taping, the "Remaking of Vanilla Ice." Jen took her camera so we didn't get any pictures. We'll see if we can find some...

Off to sleep for a few hours...

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Broken, expensive cello strings.
Keys locked in the car.
Met Miles Zuniga from Fastball--nice guy.
Saw the Mystery Machine.

Texas Fun

Maybe it's the sleep-deprived stupor I'm in, but this has been a strange trip. We drove straight through Weds. night and got here around 11a Thursday. We got cleaned up and headed downtown to the showcase. We saw our good friend Shiv, but rather quickly ran into fellow-Cincinnatians, Sean Rhiney and Bill Donabedian (MPMF) who were telling us how they got to see Elvis Costello the night prior, as well as lots of other cool stuff. The WOXY show was pretty awesome--our new Irish friends, The Frames, were there, but I was really digging Giant Drag. Really good music, and more interesting music fans--folks flew in from NY and wherever, just to go watch live bands! Can you imagine?

Friday, March 11, 2005

Radio Crystal Blue

I just found out that we'll be featured on Radio Crystal Blue this Sunday evening. They would love it if some folks would check it out and see what they are all about. They play lots of interesting up and coming artists that you should probably know about. Check it out at from 7p to 1a.

Don't forget to vote for us on their poll. We're down near the bottem of the page. You can vote once a day up until 3/25.


Just got this from folks on our SCUBA trip. Manatees kind of look like big rocks, eh? They are actually very gentle and sweet. They were just sort of sleepy when we came upon them. Posted by Hello

Monday, March 07, 2005

More Surreality

So maybe Patrice and I were just in a daze because of our Pizza hangover (mmmmm, Giordano's), but last night's events were among some of the more interesting....

Uncommon Ground was fairly busy and we'd been playing all weekend so we were ready, we thought. We played well as did Jen and Victoria (with some coaxing from manager, Stolie). At 10p, some guy we had never heard of was supposed to play--he was on tour with some band, The Frames, who again, we've never heard of (sorry). Our equipment was in the corner, so we stuck around to see what the fuss was about.

I was pretty blown away. Mark Geary (think Peter Mulvey/Jeff Buckley/Great Big Sea) begins to sing and the place is immediately silenced. After a couple of songs, he went sans PA and was even more amazing. At the end of his set, this guy (apparently from the Frames) wants to play a couple of songs with him. Together, they reminded me of Neil and Tim Finn of Crowded House--the harmonies were so smooth. Then they get some other guy up there, and then someone else plays a song. Before it was all over, Mark had Patrice and I play a song. Then he convinced Patrice to play cello on Nick Drake's, The Cello Song.

The night finally ended around 1a (central time). We were exhausted to say the least. As if that weren't strange enough, I ended up talking to a guy that I'm pretty sure I met in Nashville at 2nmc last year--I know that I have his band's demo. The world is shrinking...


Sunday, March 06, 2005

Surreal TV and more

We've met some wonderful folks so far this weekend. Thanks to everyone who came out to Taffy's--a big thanks to Jay Bruns who opened for us. It was great to finally see Jay meet our friend Ray Bigelow who I introduced here on this forum. The staff was great and we hope to head back to Eaton in a few months.

On our first trip to Muncie, we got lost several times, going down a one way street the wrong way, but had a nice time with the folks at Blue Bottle Coffee. A huge thanks to "Rob" who recently moved to Indiana from Austin. He gave us a list of things to do when we get to TX. Fun times. When we finally got to our hotel (no thanks to Mapquest) I discovered The Surreal Life. My friends Mike and Sabrina from The Chicken Fish had told me about this show, but neither Patrice nor I have cable so we didn't really know what we were missing. Patrice worked on some school work but I got completely hooked on this show. Then we stayed up watching all kinds of wierd shows about Metal stuff. Did you know that Cincinnati holds the honor of hosting the #1 worst moment in METAL? I didn't either, but VH1 decided that Vince Neil doing the Chicken Dance at the Oktoberfest was an all time low...

More later,